A Ministry of Parkside Baptist Church
20+ Years
Partnering with Local Churches
Unreached People Groups
3.19 Billion
People Have Never Heard the Gospel
Helping to plant Independent Baptist Churches as well as reach universities, police, military, and government officials around the world with the Gospel. It is our desire to provide resources and material for national pastors to be effective in their God-given calling.
With over 20 years of reaching into countries around the world, we pause to thank the Lord for all He has done.
With a record number of people being saved and baptized into local independent Baptist churches, individuals being discipled, and new independent Baptist churches being started — we rejoice.
Since the beginning of this ministry under the local church, we have had the privilege to partner with pastors in starting over 150 churches, training thousands of pastors and tens of thousands of laypeople to be soul winners. The need has become even greater with more pastors begging for us to send individuals to train them in discipleship and ministry skills.
While in these countries, we have been given countless opportunities to preach the Gospel in government-run schools, colleges, police training camps, military camps, refugee camps, markets, conference centers, remote villages, towns, and cities.
Please pray about what the Lord would have you do. Your partnership is greatly appreciated and needed today.
How You Can Go to Heaven
Jesus wants a personal relationship with you. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, Jesus came to earth to save you. Jesus loves you unconditionally and He came to give you a way to Heaven and victory over sin, shame, and guilt.
Latest Trip to the Philippines